Sunday, November 29, 2009

Is foxfire really better then IE?

i dont trust it. IE has served me well, is the standard package, and i have had no problems. y complicate things with an orange icon, different setups, and so called benefits?

Is foxfire really better then IE?microsoft templates

i think its better

Is foxfire really better then IE?windows firewall internet explorer

that's mozilla FIRE FOX, not foxfire, and it is a heck of a lot better... it never freezes up, ever!
Yes. Firefox has all of the same features as IE but they're categorized better which gives it a cleaner appearance.
Well firefox is much better than IE.
yes ive loved it ever since i got the "stumble" button
it's not much better and you have to have a lot of extra downloads

btw it's firefox
Yep Im using it now.
i like it alot better because i feel like i have a safer connection and i get less pop ups.
I like it better, I like the "tab" option.
Much better! I also use Opera. I haven't used IE in years.
dont be a tool, firefox is way faster and doesn't load your computer with viruses or spyware..
i don't think it's really better, but i do use it. can have multiple tabs and pages open at the same time. but other than that not much different than ie in my opinion.
If you have all the microsoft updates IE works very well. I do not use firefox. But that is my choice.
firefox is 10 times better the IE could ever be, and you are able to delete everything after you are finished browsing, without any problems
heck yeah. it's SO much better. I don't get all the viruses. Every time I open up IE, I get tons of viruses. I've had it for over a year, and haven't had any problems.
Yeah, I like it a lot. Never had any problems with it. It comes with a lot of extra features that make things easier.
Fire fox is more secure than IE because IE allows instllation of activeX controls by default, meaning that you are screwed if a page has a malicious activeX control. Also, there are more tools for Firefox than IE because IE is a security hole disguised as a program.
No, I tried using it for a few days, and I didn't like it. I switched back to IE.
It's my favorite %26amp; I've tried them all.
Firefox is a much better browser. It's quicker, more stable, and is more secure. It's worth downloading for the tabbed browsing alone.

Plus another thing that makes Firefox better is it's extension model. If you want your web browser to do something, say have your media player controls in the bottom, someone has written an extension for it.

I recommend Firefox to everyone, and you will be glad if you make the switch. It's free so there is no risk, it's not like you can't still use IE if you want.
I think it depends on the User, Mozilla FoxFire allows some things to operate more smothly if you didnt have your IE browser set up correctly. But I perfer IE, have never had any problems with it. %26amp; refuse to let Mozilla FoxFire even be installed on my computer.
Get the new IE! It's got tabs like firefox, and is the ****.
Although you may not trust it, Firefox is a lot more secure and better than IE at blocking unwanted scripts which may cause unwanted and harmful files to be downloaded on your computer. Additionally firefox is faster (through optimized code) and a lot easier to use than IE.

If you get firefox, make sure you get the "NoScript" plugin which will make it even more secure for browsing and keeping your computer virus free (which IE, frankly, sucks at).
If you are useing IE and dont have any problems with it, dont fix something thats not broke
Well if you don't trust it than you shouldn't do it. But I use Firefox and I love it. One word.....tabs.
Then why are you asking if you do not trust it? Keep using your IE. Fire fox works better on a MAC.
You'll have to download some plug-ins right off the bat with Firefox. All in all, it's just a matter of preference. Firefox does seem to be a little more stable, but I've run into a few sites that it's not as compatible with, as IE. I'm a Mac user who happens to work in a PC world. I use Firefox at work, but that's only because my company's version of IE doesn't have tabbed browsing. If you're comfortable with IE, and it works for you -- that's all you need.
i like firefox, you can press open new webpages inside tabs instead of new windows, that will stop cluttering up your taskbar.

the popup blocker is simplier to use, adn more effective. and the web settings, controls, options are all simplified into one menu. oh yeah, the upper right hand corner search box is very handy. you don't need to type in, all you have to do is type in your search term, click enter, and firfox goes to to search. you can add yahoo search engines and other engines to that box as options if you want.

there's more to firefox.
firefox really better then ie try it

heres the beta version
Perhaps you are the same person who did trust MS when they claimed IE does not make it easy for viruses, or spyware, or idiots to write the dozen or so sites that require IE.

Trust who you will..

I say, Anything but IE!
it has less possible virus attack for sure.most virus aim at ie.

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