Friday, November 27, 2009

How do I permanently remove IE (Internet Explorer) from Windows XP SP2?

I use Avant Browser, so I have no need for IE. Previously, I replaced the iexplore.exe program file with an empty text file by the same name, and that worked great. Lately, it seems that Microsoft patched the OS to automatically replace the iexplore file. FWIW, I want to do this to force some apps (like Yahoo! Music Engine, MSN Messenger, and Microsoft Office) to use my default browser and not IE.

How do I permanently remove IE (Internet Explorer) from Windows XP SP2?windows media center

Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to uninstall IE. IE is buried deep into the core of Windows.

I know getting rid of IE seems like a good idea, it actually isn't. There are some sites that will ONLY work with IE, such as, which is very useful, if you use Windows.

I use Firefox, and have no use for IE either, except the rare occasions. What I have done is removed the link to it off the desktop (right-click on the desktop %26gt; PROPERTIES %26gt; DESKTOP %26gt; CUSTOMIZE DESKTOP %26gt; and uncheck INTERNET EXPLORER). Also, you can be sure to remove IE from the quick launch bar in the lower right and the program menu by right clicking on it and removing.

For the few occasions that I need IE, I have an extension in Firefox that I can tell to open up IE automatically for certain sites.

How do I permanently remove IE (Internet Explorer) from Windows XP SP2?nintendo ds browser internet explorer

you cant unless you get a new type of internet then it will be replaced

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