Friday, November 27, 2009

GetAttribute(), getAttribute('id') not working in internet explorer (ie)?

The problem seems to be at the .getAttribute('id'). IE simply wont grab the id of the element that it is on. Ive tried .getAttributeNode('id').value, attributes['id']. Nothing seems to work. I've been reading up on .getAttribute() method for IE and it looks sorta weird, but i cant find anything that has a solution for my problem.



for(e=0; e%26lt;allInputs.length; e++) {

// this is where it fails in IE. it wont grab the id of the current input

if(allInputs[e].getAttribute('id') == (g_id+'_'+(sib_id-1))) {


alert(allInputs[e].getAttribute('id'))... // works in FF

alert(allInputs[e].attributes['id'].va... // works in FF

if(mainGroupInput.checked==true) {


} else {





GetAttribute(), getAttribute('id') not working in internet explorer (ie)?microsoft sql server

Is there any reason you can't use (eg) allInputs[e].id ?

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